PHP Comments Script - Comments page 152
The php comments script will allow your users to post comments on your web sites, comments related to your web site content (photos, videos, articles, products, etc).
The script doesn't require a database and it is easy to include in your pages.
- Server must support PHP scripts, this should not be a problem with most servers.
- No coding is needed except for few customizations like replacing the value of admin email and other preferences inside settings.php.
- No database is needed.
- Easy to post comments without requiring user registration
- Spam protection by image verification so that users cannot send messages automatically.
- No database needed, data will be saved in the comments in a plain file on your server.
- Style fully customizable by the CSS file.
- Code can be edited freely if needed (no part of the php code is encrypted).
- You can chose what form items to display (name, e-mail, image verification).
- Admin can receive a detailed e-mail when a comment is posted (comment, url, name, etc).
- The e-mail send to admin also contains a link that can instantly delete that message.
- Next to each comments admin can click a small link in order to delete or edit any comment.
- When someone posted a comment the form remembers it's name and other fields.
- Admin can chose sorting mode for the comments (newest comments on top or at end).
- No 'credits' links on your pages, the script is fully hosted on your site without links to us.
- The code complies with W3 validation standards..
- Admin can chose maximum length of a word do that really long words are not getting out of your layout.
-Comments script can also run in html pages (not only in .php pages) by adding 2 code lines inside the .htaccess file, these instructions will be included in the purchased file.
- Pagination; You can now specify how many comments to show on one page.
- Submit form is hidden by default to save layut space. Click 'add comment' to open the form.
- Admin can choose if bad words are filtered, you can have a list of words to be replaced with '...' instead of showing a bad word.
- New: Admin can block HTML tags, so that html code like a link (<a href="">site</a>) will not be posted in the text of a comment.
- New: You can now select between normal captcha and reCaptcha (service by Google) as antispam verification. Change it by editing $settings_antispam_method = "captcha" to $settings_antispam_method = "recaptcha".
old captcha option
new reCaptcha option:
Usage Sample:
Using this script is very easy, you just need to upload the files you receive inside a directory then in any of the pages on site include the comments script:
<?php include('comments_script/comments.php'); ?>
Normally the system identifies the items to be commented by the URL of the page where comments appear but optionally you can also pass an id of the comments on that page, for example:
$comment_id = 'product 1'; ?>
again this second step is optional.
So after including the script like explained above the comments and submit form will appear on that page and users can start posting comments.
In order to moderate the comments you can login to 'admin.php' and then you will see the 'edit' and 'delete' links on each comment.
PHP Comments Script Preview
In this sample latest comments are on top and we disabled the user email field:
I'll show it to my boss tomorrow. I like the "compact" aspect of it. Very neat. I guess I can put more than one on a page am I right ?
order allow,deny
deny from
deny from
allow from all
The 2 lines in the middle (can be more) show the IP addresses to block.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean metus turpis, ultricies eu, malesuada a, vehicula eget, quam. Nullam in sapien id ipsum tristique dapibus. Curabitur congue odio eu turpis. Etiam in ipsum quis pede feugiat luctus. Nunc eros. Sed eu sem. Mauris pellentesque mauris. Duis dolor dolor, aliquam a, fermentum eu, lobortis eget, justo. Fusce sagittis consequat mauris. Nullam dui arcu, ornare eu, commodo vitae, vehicula in, libero. Donec vulputate, augue vitae hendrerit lobortis, nibh augue feugiat leo, sit amet vulputate tellus velit ut elit. Fusce ac sapien ac orci sollicitudin consectetuer. Duis gravida. Quisque viverra nunc nec eros. Suspendisse tempus ornare felis. Morbi in purus vitae quam convallis rutrum. Donec tellus libero, vehicula in, aliquet a, consectetuer non, nibh. Maecenas ullamcorper pellentesque libero. Pellentesque tempus nulla eu tortor.
Vivamus mollis odio nec nunc. Aenean tempus pulvinar turpis. Quisque a felis vitae dolor placerat accumsan. Mauris eu felis vitae massa lacinia auctor. Aliquam in metus. Nam diam ante, euismod sed, ultricies tempus, cursus ut, metus. Morbi vulputate ullamcorper erat. In ante risus, placerat ac, venenatis in, interdum eu, elit. Fusce scelerisque, velit sed ultrices hendrerit, dolor tortor bibendum augue, ut sodales pede purus at odio. Suspendisse potenti. Integer tellus. Quisque fermentum dolor sed tellus. Phasellus mollis enim non nisl. Nulla nunc.
Sed auctor placerat massa. Sed nibh. Morbi sollicitudin tellus sit amet ipsum pretium accumsan. Morbi sagittis. Curabitur commodo, ligula venenatis varius feugiat, dui mauris vehicula mauris, quis lacinia lorem erat et nibh. Praesent gravida dolor eget felis. Integer lobortis felis in metus. Suspendisse massa ipsum, vulputate cursus, vehicula quis, mollis sed, ante. Sed eu elit ac nisl malesuada suscipit. Vestibulum blandit orci. Pellentesque mattis lacus vel neque. Praesent sed libero id quam tincidunt faucibus. Cras gravida odio nec nibh. In consequat pulvinar erat. Donec at ligula. Quisque elementum augue in lorem.
Sed vulputate euismod tortor. Duis ligula. Ut viverra. Curabitur viverra turpis varius est. Nunc odio ipsum, vulputate sed, lacinia vitae, rhoncus vitae, dolor. Proin est. Nulla congue risus ut magna. Donec tempus. Nunc fringilla feugiat massa. Nullam tempor volutpat urna. Fusce sit amet urna blandit elit volutpat convallis. Sed feugiat felis eget turpis. In placerat cursus ligula. Nam vel libero. Curabitur leo ligula, varius a, blandit non, tempus vel, orci. Donec quam. Donec viverra porttitor ante.
Aliquam dui dolor, aliquet eget, euismod non, tempor sed, libero. Donec cursus blandit risus. Maecenas nibh neque, tincidunt auctor, sollicitudin nec, suscipit a, turpis. Integer urna. Duis convallis mauris sed odio. Pellentesque non erat. Integer sit amet neque eu felis tristique ultricies. Quisque iaculis accumsan metus. Phasellus elementum. Duis pede. Proin vulputate, lacus porttitor mollis dignissim, tortor tellus tincidunt nisl, sit amet ultricies arcu magna eget nisl. Proin facilisis. Nullam ultrices, sapien eget lobortis sodales, enim lacus imperdiet nisl, a posuere pede neque non nunc. Nulla nunc. Integer quis massa. Ut vitae libero sed sapien lobortis placerat. Cras pretium pulvinar enim.
- how much would it cost to get a moderate before publishing feature ?
- can I ban user by IP ?
To translate it to another language all you should do is change text inside the files like comments_html.php where it has text like "wrong image code", "error", "comment posted", etc.